
Enhance your gaming experience with Game Analyst's suite of features and game optimizing tools. Boost your performance, enhance graphics, easily access helpful guides and tips while in the game and much more!

Enhance Your Experience

Game Analyst can improve your gaming experience in one way or another in just about any title. Whether you need to optimise your graphics for the latest release, or keep a walkthrough open for a particularly challenging level, we've got you covered.

In-Game Benchmarking

Track your game's performance at all times in-game with our fully customizable overlay. Choose between multiple themes, which data to show, along with additional options like clickable shortcuts, indicators for recording or streaming, and more!

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Smart Settings Adjustment

Using your benchmarking and PC information, Game Analyst can recommend settings for a specific performance target, like 30 FPS at 4K or 60 FPS at 1080p. Using our cloud server processing, we can crowdsource data to identify optimal performance settings for your hardware. Note that this feature will improve over time as we build our database.

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In-Game Browser

We offer what we believe is the best in-game browser tool around. Whether you want to keep a guide or resource open, or watch a video in our floating browser, it's incredibly easy to manage with our drag-and-drop mouse interface. With adjustable opacity and low resource usage you won't know how you managed without this feature!

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